Past Events
EcoPaperLoop Project Final Conference
On December 2nd, 2014 in Krakow, Galaxy Hotel
Program: Wrap-up of the project containing the work packages
- Recyclability Assessment
- Eco-efficient Collection Systems
- Sustainability Assessment
- Transnational Policy Development
Für ein besseres Papierrecycling in Europa:
Papierprodukte, Verpackungen und Sammelsysteme optimieren
EcoPaperLoop-Seminar in München
in der Papiertechnischen Stiftung (PTS)
am 9. Oktober 2014
Riciclo della carta e del cartone:
pubbliche amministrazioni e impreseinsieme
per un’economia circolare
Milano 7 ottobre 2014 Palazzo Pirelli, Sala Pirelli Via Fabio Filzi, 22 Milano
INPAK, International Fair of Packaging, Packaging Techniques and Logistics, Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
as a part of 52nd
International Fair Of Agriculture And Food, AGRA,
August 23—28, 2014
Download the presentation "Cellulose Based Packaging Recyclability" by Graziano Elegir
Seminar for all members of the paper chain in Sopron, Hungary on July 9, 2014
Papírgyűjtési Stratégiák
2014. július 9. Szerda, Sopron, Magyarország
You were there — or you missed a fabulous event for everybody in the paper chain: recyclers, printers, publishers or agencies as well as packaging converters or representaives of administrations dealing with paper and packaging collection!
Aticelca conference, 30 maggio 2014
Graziano Elegir presented on
"Il progetto EcoPaperLoop:
sostenibilità della filiera cartaria".
Seminario: Carta stampata a ridotto impatto ambientale tra appalti verdi e ecolabel, Torino 27 Maggio 2014
Graziano Elegir presented on
"Impatti ambientali di settore,
norme tecniche e metodi di prova".
Seminario: Carta stampata a ridotto impatto ambientale tra appalti verdi e ecolabel, Torino 27 Maggio 2014
Graziano Elegir presented on
"Impatti ambientali di settore,
norme tecniche e metodi di prova".
in cooperation with COST Action FP1003 “Impact of renewable
materials in packaging for sustainability — development
of renewable fibre and bio-based materials for new packaging
Graziano Elegir presented on
"Cellulose based packaging recyclability: criteria for a
sustainable paper loop".
Download the full program of the PTS Symposium here.
Pack in Carta e Cartone:
Innovazioni Sostenibili
3 Marzo 2014, 14:00-17:30, Milano
La partecipazione è GRATUITA! Informazione:
Presentation by Graziano Elegir
Interview with Eliana Farotto and Graziano Elegir:
23rd INGEDE Symposium
February 12, 2014 in Munich, Germany (more)
Prof. Harald Grossmann presented about EcoPaperLoop at the "Collection Panel"
Past Seminar Jan 22 in Ljubljana
Eco-friendly recyclability of paper based products:
Recyclability evaluation and policy guidelines
The two day event consisted of a seminar with brain storming session and a practical workshop.
For more details and the full program click here.
The presentations of the seminar and workshop are available for download!
4th International Joint Conference on Environmental and Light Industry Technologies
20-22 of November 2013 in Budapest, Hungary
Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering of Óbuda University
IJCELIT 2013 serves as a framework for three events, including the 4th Graphic Communications Technology Workshop organised by the Institute of Media Technology.
Prof. Dr. Diana Gregor-Svetec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia is in the scientific committee and gave a plenary presentation on Life cycle of paper and paper based packaging (abstract
17th Day of Slovene Paper Industry
& 40th International Symposium DITP
20-21 November 2013 in Bled, Slovenia
17. DAN SLOVENSKEGA PAPIRNIŠTVA »Novi časi v tradicionalni papirni industriji«
XIth Symposium on Graphic Arts, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Department of Graphic Arts and Photophysics held this symposium under the auspices of Dean of Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, the Czech Republic and IARIGAI, the International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Arts Industries, on 17–18 June 2013 in the building of Faculty of Chemical Technology.
Presentation: Efficient paper recycling (Abstract)
presented by
Gregor-Svetec D., Možina K., Blaznik B., Urbas R., Vrabič Brodnjak U., Golob G.
Full presentation (in English)
Full manuscript (in English)
ZELLCHEMING Expo in Germany
Conference and exhibition June 11-13, 2013 in Wiesbaden
with both PTC and PMV hosting exhibits and information about EcoPaperLoop.
Conference Contributions in Italy
Converflex exhibition in Milano, with GrazianoElegir presenting "Ecopaperloop: ecodesign dei prodotti cartari" at a Workshop: "riciclabilità degli imballaggi e dei prodotti a base cellulosica" on May 9, 2013
Full presentation (in Italian)
Conference Contributions in Slovenia
Proceedings of the 10th PAZU Conference on 30th November 2012 in Murska Sobota (Slovenija) with a published presentation in Slovenian language (Recycled papers and project Ecopaperloop) presented by Diana Gregor Svetec, University of Ljubljana:
Reciklirani papirji in projekt "Ecopaperloop”
Diana Gregor Svetec, Silva König, Klemen Možina
Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstilstvo / Snežniška 5,
Full proceedings of the 10th PAZU Conference (in Slovenian)
Seminar "EcoPaperLoop" at the European Paper Week 2012
click here for more details and full presentations
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!